Raw is set to come back on this Monday @ 8pm on USA Network. So how about I get you caught up before the next show. A little refresher before this week's RAW returns?! Alright LEGGO
Then Baby Breath Jordan came down and interrupted the champ before he could move on to bigger and better things.
This little back and forth continued until Seth came out to set Jordan straight. What's interesting is how this lead to a Balor Club vs a partial Shield & Jason Jordan match (I can imagine how this would've played out if Ambrose wasn't injured. It would've been epic!).
Jordan claimed "They" meaning the current version of the Shield were the most dominant group in the WWE to date. This was after Seth came down to set Jordan straight. He's trying to keep his partner in line but Jordan is constantly overstepping his bounds. It's very clear he wants in so bad that he's trying to take Dean's place (I will say this. You definitely miss Dean Ambrose. He's one of my favorite wrestlers. I really love his personality and the way he operates). Anyway, once Jordan mentioned their so-called dominance, Balor Club came out to challenge it. They gave Roman and Seth their just due but totally disregarded Jason Jordan.
Anyway, Jordan got angry and pissy pushed Karl Anderson I believe and got a little rumble started. He even got into a tissy with Roman. This lead to the GM Kurt Angle coming down and creating a main event match: 6 man tag Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Jason Jordan vs The Balor Club.
Not an ideal main event but at least it put Finn in the main event for once.
Women's Division: Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley
Winner: Sasha Banks & Bayley
I have to say this match I actually enjoyed. Mandy Rose put on a great performance. Sonya as well. In the end, the vets picked up the win but those women put on a good match. It was worth watching from beginning to end. It seems like the more steps they take in pushing the regime forward with the women's division the more steps they take back. The women are getting less and less airtime as of lately. I wish they would give them viable storylines besides title shots and sneak attacks. It's more to this division than just that! And if Creative can't find a way to make viable rivalries in this division then some people need to get "Future Endeavored". And fresh faces need to be brought in to push this show beyond great in-ring performance and wishy-washy NXT brought ups.
Men's Division: Matt Hardy vs. Curt Hawkins
Winner: Matt Hardy
Um, anything with Curt Hawkins in it is going to be a win in the column for his opponent. So I'm gonna be honest I muted the tv and got on my phone for about 3 minutes.
I'm starting to think this Woken Matt schtick isn't going to be THAT great. After he beat Hawkins Bray Wyatt appeared in the ring and they literally had a laugh off. I'm not joking. They literally laughed at each other for about 2 to 3 minutes. It was bizarre at first and then it got boring. I'm wondering how they will take this Woken Matt schtick beyond the good vs evil thing. What will he do to his next opponent? Cause he's had two physical encounters with Bray and both were underwhelming. You either calm it down and make it more realistically menacing (like Kane, Undertaker, etc) or kill this character now before it gets booed out of the arena.
Men's Division: Enzo Amore (c) vs Cedric Alexander Cruiserweight Championship Match
Winner: Cedric Alexander via count out/Enzo Amore Still the ChampionUnless otherwise stipulated the title cannot change hands via count out or disqualification
This was more a performance match for Cedric than a title match. I will say this. Enzo has gotten WAY better in the ring since his debut with Big Cass a few years ago. He's a great seller when it comes to getting hit but he is really shabby on his offense and defense for that matter. Alexander outworked him in this match and it was clear he was not skilled enough to contend. He tried and I'll admit he put up a good fight. But where this match took a turn for the worse was when Enzo got a knee to the face. Cedric hit him with a knee to the face and it connected causing Amore to bleed. Then toward the end of the match, Cedric dove out of the ring on to Enzo, causing him to have a sprang or tweak his ankle. Doctors tried to tend to him as the ref counted. Enzo was aware of the count pretended like he was fine and tried to make it back in the ring. But he chickened out in the end. He clearly could've made it back in the ring in time but chose not to.
This gave Cedric the win but Enzo retained the belt. Enzo got beat up in this match. He went from being laid up with the flu, to getting kneed in the face, to tweaking his ankle. Wow...Enzo I don't know whats going on with ya but I hope you get it together.
When they announced who the opponents to the Shower Rod Bros would be I was like....ok Titus and thick neck are about to lose again. But to the surprise of the crowd, me, The Shower Rod Bros they picked up the win. In the beginning, Cesaro and Sheamus used quick tags and isolation to control the match. But one slip up allowed a tag to Titus that gave TW the upper hand. While Titus and Sheamus fought it out, Cesaro was taken out by Apollo Crews. Giving Titus the chance to rollup and pick up the win for his team.
Bruh...I was shocked!
Men's Division: Samoa Joe vs Rhyno
Samoa Joe took control of this match fairly quickly. Rhyno did fight back and attempt to get the upper hand but Joe was just too much for him. In the end, Joe was able to lock on the Coquina Clutch and Rhyno was done. Samoa Joe won by submission. Soon after he was interviewed about Roman's comments regarding him earlier and his loss last week. Joe made it clear that it wasn't over. He said he was going to finish what he started.
*Side Note: Joe was injured in his match with Rhyno. He may be out indefinitely due to a foot injury. He is in serious jeopardy of missing the Royal Rumble one of the biggest matches in the year. Joe has been plagued by injuries since his debut. Let's hope he's a quick healer and is able to participate in the most important pay per views of the year: Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Money in the Bank, etc.
Main Event: The Balor Club vs The Shield & Jason Jordan
This match was lost due to miscommunication. Jason Jordan is the main culprit. If he had not distracted the ref as long as he did. The ref would've seen the tag and things may not have been so messed up. Balor Club was able to capitalize on the fact that these gentlemen were not a cohesive unit. They worked like they were unsure of how they were supposed to wrestle with each other. It was easy to see who didn't belong or rather didn't fit. Rollins was trying to tag in Roman and he did but Jordan was still arguing with the ref at the time. Which caused him to miss the tag. Reigns argued with Jason until he clotheslined Gallows and Anderson out of the ring. Meanwhile, Rollins is still the legal man attempting to continue to fight. But for all his efforts he was dropkicked into the corner and accidentally knocked Jordan off the ring. That lead to a coup de grace and the win for the Balor Club.
After the match was over Reigns, and Jordan got into an argument. Rollins was still on the ground recovering. And the Miz and the MizBitches slithered in like the snakes they are and took out all 3 men. Hit Roman with a skull-crushing finale then ended with a triple powerbomb. Same shit he did almost 2 months ago when their feud started.
Another Mixed Match Challenge Team was announced and it was Goldust and Alicia Fox. If you want more info on the Mixed Match Challenge I've posted 2 blogs about the chosen teams and the first match! It's all available to read right now! So click here to check it out----> Mixed Match Challenge
The Miz made his return. I actually thought this was going to open the show. I would've preferred it. The Miz is a must-have heel. And he does make that IC Championship relevant (oh god that left a nasty taste in my mouth 🤢). But if you give the title a proper heel vs hero/anti-hero storyline they could make it relevant as well.
Anyway, the Miz was welcomed back by Elias with a song, Yawn. The Miz and his MizBitches came out and relished in the immense amount of love he was receiving upon his return from making the Marine 6. It was sad to see his MizBitches out there with no leader and pandering like some lovesick puppies who've lost their father. It was gross. The MizBitches decided to praise their leader with gifts even attempting to remove their clothes. Fighting for attention or whatever. The Miz shut that down quick. He had a rant bitching about getting his InterContinental title back from Roman Reigns. Claiming he carried the show and RAW needed him. He said he only let Roman hold the title until he returned. Now it was time for him to take his rightful place as the IC Champion.
RAW 25 is shaping up to be a MASSIVE SHOW! With appearances from WWE Legends like Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Kevin Nash, Teddy Long and more.This is just speculation some of these legends will be there others may not be it depends!
Sheamus and Cesaro came into the GM's to complain once again about losing the titles to the Jordan and Rollins and being given fair treatment. Angle let them whine and complain until he let them know that the titles will be defended against them at the Royal Rumble. Just before they leave the GM's office they asked for a match against an opponent tonight. They were ready, Angle promised them a match and he would find them an opponent.
Then The Miz walks in and demands a rematch for his IC championship. But he doesn't want it at any time. It wants a rematch at RAW 25! Kurt Angle obliged praising the Miz for coming with a great idea.
Alexa Bliss in fear of losing her title decides to stir up some drama in the women's division. Asuka is the biggest threat to her title besides Nia Jax. So given the fact that Nia is her best friend story wise and in real life, Alexa needs her help. She's exploiting her friendship for her personal gain. Take out Asuka via Nia or at least soften her up so that she can retain and never have to wrestle her again.
Men's Division: Titus Worldwide vs The Bar
Winner: Titus Worldwide
When they announced who the opponents to the Shower Rod Bros would be I was like....ok Titus and thick neck are about to lose again. But to the surprise of the crowd, me, The Shower Rod Bros they picked up the win. In the beginning, Cesaro and Sheamus used quick tags and isolation to control the match. But one slip up allowed a tag to Titus that gave TW the upper hand. While Titus and Sheamus fought it out, Cesaro was taken out by Apollo Crews. Giving Titus the chance to rollup and pick up the win for his team.
Bruh...I was shocked!
Men's Division: Samoa Joe vs Rhyno
Winner: Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe took control of this match fairly quickly. Rhyno did fight back and attempt to get the upper hand but Joe was just too much for him. In the end, Joe was able to lock on the Coquina Clutch and Rhyno was done. Samoa Joe won by submission. Soon after he was interviewed about Roman's comments regarding him earlier and his loss last week. Joe made it clear that it wasn't over. He said he was going to finish what he started.
*Side Note: Joe was injured in his match with Rhyno. He may be out indefinitely due to a foot injury. He is in serious jeopardy of missing the Royal Rumble one of the biggest matches in the year. Joe has been plagued by injuries since his debut. Let's hope he's a quick healer and is able to participate in the most important pay per views of the year: Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Money in the Bank, etc.
Main Event: The Balor Club vs The Shield & Jason Jordan
Winner: Balor Club
This match was lost due to miscommunication. Jason Jordan is the main culprit. If he had not distracted the ref as long as he did. The ref would've seen the tag and things may not have been so messed up. Balor Club was able to capitalize on the fact that these gentlemen were not a cohesive unit. They worked like they were unsure of how they were supposed to wrestle with each other. It was easy to see who didn't belong or rather didn't fit. Rollins was trying to tag in Roman and he did but Jordan was still arguing with the ref at the time. Which caused him to miss the tag. Reigns argued with Jason until he clotheslined Gallows and Anderson out of the ring. Meanwhile, Rollins is still the legal man attempting to continue to fight. But for all his efforts he was dropkicked into the corner and accidentally knocked Jordan off the ring. That lead to a coup de grace and the win for the Balor Club.
After the match was over Reigns, and Jordan got into an argument. Rollins was still on the ground recovering. And the Miz and the MizBitches slithered in like the snakes they are and took out all 3 men. Hit Roman with a skull-crushing finale then ended with a triple powerbomb. Same shit he did almost 2 months ago when their feud started.
In Other News:
Mixed Match Challenge Team Announcement

Another Mixed Match Challenge Team was announced and it was Goldust and Alicia Fox. If you want more info on the Mixed Match Challenge I've posted 2 blogs about the chosen teams and the first match! It's all available to read right now! So click here to check it out----> Mixed Match Challenge
The MIZ Returns to RAW After a 6 Week Hiatus
The Miz made his return. I actually thought this was going to open the show. I would've preferred it. The Miz is a must-have heel. And he does make that IC Championship relevant (oh god that left a nasty taste in my mouth 🤢). But if you give the title a proper heel vs hero/anti-hero storyline they could make it relevant as well.
Anyway, the Miz was welcomed back by Elias with a song, Yawn. The Miz and his MizBitches came out and relished in the immense amount of love he was receiving upon his return from making the Marine 6. It was sad to see his MizBitches out there with no leader and pandering like some lovesick puppies who've lost their father. It was gross. The MizBitches decided to praise their leader with gifts even attempting to remove their clothes. Fighting for attention or whatever. The Miz shut that down quick. He had a rant bitching about getting his InterContinental title back from Roman Reigns. Claiming he carried the show and RAW needed him. He said he only let Roman hold the title until he returned. Now it was time for him to take his rightful place as the IC Champion.
RAW 25
Sheamus & Cesaro Bitch About Losing the Titles Once Again & The Miz Makes His Move Regarding the InterContinental Championship
Sheamus and Cesaro came into the GM's to complain once again about losing the titles to the Jordan and Rollins and being given fair treatment. Angle let them whine and complain until he let them know that the titles will be defended against them at the Royal Rumble. Just before they leave the GM's office they asked for a match against an opponent tonight. They were ready, Angle promised them a match and he would find them an opponent.
Then The Miz walks in and demands a rematch for his IC championship. But he doesn't want it at any time. It wants a rematch at RAW 25! Kurt Angle obliged praising the Miz for coming with a great idea.
Alexa Bliss Plots to Keep Her Title & Asuka Gets Attacked By Nia Jax
She went into the women's locker room and told Asuka that she came to give her a warning. She said it wasn't her she had to worry about that she needed to be more concerned about her best friend Nia.
In a segment, later on in the show, Alexa finds Nia and lies about Asuka allegedly saying something about her. Nia calls her on her bluff knowing that Asuka doesn't speak the best English. Leaving Bliss to wonder if Nia will take out Asuka for her or not.
This is all new low from the so-called Goddess. I mean resorting to name calling and rumors to retain a title? What are you 16? Just because your 4 ft tall doesn't mean you should act like a child. If you are as dominant as you claim to be then taking on one of the most dominant women in the WWE should be NO PROBLEM! At this rate, my tolerance for Alexa Bliss as champion has run its course. Hey, WWE Creative its time to make some changes. I need rivalries, tag titles, and viable title bouts. Make the women's division worthwhile or I'm checking out ✌.
Asuka was supposed to have a match but she was attacked by Nia during her entrance. I'm Alexa was pleased that her "best friend" helped her out. Right... So this attack lead to a match being made by the GM against Nia Jax this coming Monday. Asuka has beaten Nia before on NXT. Either she will take a beating and win or Alexa will come out and cause a DQ putting Asuka on the mat.
Brock's Weekly Non-Speaking Segment
Our resident MUTE champ came out once again. To assert his FAKE dominance and grace the pandering WWE fans with his SO-CALLED reigning defending presence. Chile Please!
Paul Heyman came out and gave another speech bitching about Brock not getting a fair shake at keeping his championship. He claimed that they are constantly throwing obstacles in Brocks way and yet he overcomes them with ease. Boasting that will be the outcome at the Royal Rumble and wondering what they will try to throw at him next. Drops the mic and leaves.
But not before getting attacked by Kane. This lead to a fight and another ambush attack by Braun Strowman. It went so far that Braun took out both men and attempted to crush them under a scaffold!
Brock shows up every 2-3 weeks to show everyone he's still the champ. He is the most overrated wrestler in the WWE to date. I have never seen a wrestler be a part-timer and claim to be dominant. I'm done. This year he doesn't need to be champion or chasing the championship. I don't want to see him at Wrestlemania next year nor the Royal Rumble or any other pay per view. I want him gone!
The show was entertaining. I enjoyed watching it. But I have some things to say:
Let's Start with the Miz and MizBitches
I can give credit where credit is due. Miz you're a good heel. But you're limited. All you do is steal other peoples moves to irritate them and talk massive shit. I rarely see you back it up with great in-ring performance. When I think of great matches none of your matches are at the top of the list. So, in reality, your just a glorified mouthpiece and honestly that's not gonna cut it for me.
I'll explain further. Think about Samoa Joe. He is a heel that most guys should aspire to be if they're going that route. Samoa Joe talks a lot of shit but he backs it up in the ring. Yea he cheats and uses mind games, but he still has the ability to put on amazing matches and win them on his own. He is an all-around wrestler. The perfect example of a great heel or a good anti-hero.
To put it frankly, attacking Roman Reigns from behind with your two dick riders is not impressive. It's repetitive and boring.
Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, & Jason Jordan
Jordan is annoying at this point. He looks as if he doesn't belong (I get it that's what we're going for, but hear me out). Jordan is a fish outta water in this Shield group. Look I like Jason Jordan but the way they've written him on RAW isn't helping people like him more. In fact, it's doing just the opposite. Jason is a great in ring performer but he is in desperate need of a character overhaul. It needs to be done RIGHT NOW. I am tired of this bullshit character. The moment he grabs the mic and says anything you just cringe. It's always corny and bogus. I just mute the tv cause I don't want to hear what he has to say. I'm keeping it all the way 100.
Honestly, this whole Shield reunion has been plagued by illness and injuries. It's time to end it. Let them go back to doing their own thing. The Shield is dead...end of story.
Honestly, this whole Shield reunion has been plagued by illness and injuries. It's time to end it. Let them go back to doing their own thing. The Shield is dead...end of story.
Alexa, Asuka, & Nia
Asuka is worthy of a viable opponent. Nia is that opponent. But I don't like how its being played out. They are using Nia like she's a minion of Alexa's doing her bidding. Why? Nia is more than just a sidekick. She is prime time! Nia should've been champion last year. And she should've been Asuka's first title rivalry. This rivalry could've been epic. But instead, they stayed with boring ass Bliss. I can't with her. Nothing against her personally but she's boring. I just want something different.
Woken Matt and Bray Wyatt
Chile, this is just plain stupid. It totally misses the mark. Woken Matt vs Bray Wyatt is supposed to be a breath of fresh air. But its stale and boring. Bray should've attacked Matt Monday. Not stood there and laughed with him like some crazy idiot. It appeared as if they had no idea what to do and laughing was the only solution. Make this rivalry worthwhile or end it and kill Woken Matt if you don't know how to use him.
Well, thats all for now. See Ya Next Week Folks...
Source: WWE YouTube & WWE
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