I apologize for being late with for this post. I was sick with the flu at the time of this show and I was unable to write my blog because of it. Listen the flu is no joke. I'm still not fully recovered but I really want my blog to function so I'm working on posting regularly whenever a show comes out. Thank you for your patience, thank you for reading, and I hope you're entertained!

A tournament was set up to get the belt a new owner. The first match of the tournament would be former champion Baron Corbin vs Bobby Roode.
This I had a HUGE problem with. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of a tournament. It's more practical than just having someone beat the champion and automatically get a match. It feels more realistic. BUT! Baron Corbin should've been the first person named in the match. Yeah okay I know you're probably looking at this blog like "Bitch are you serious right now?" And my answer to you is "Yes Bitch, I am Dead Ass Serious!" Baron Corbin is the former United States Champion holder. He never got the opportunity to get his belt back in a one on one match. He is rightfully deserving of that match! No matter how you look at it that's FACTS! So to make him work for an opportunity he has already earned is some straight up BULLSHIT!
Listen I'm no fan of Baron Corbin I think even as a heel he has a lot of work to do. But fair is fair. So in this instance D. Bry you were wrong for how you handled this situation.
Moving forward (Listen this is going to be out of order because I watched this earlier this week but its been hectic so bare with me. I will try to be as in-depth as possible)
In that same opening monologue, Bryan was interrupted by Gable and Benjamin. Claiming they're glad the US Championship debacle was fixed. But what about the tag team championships. They claim after beating the Usos they were cheated out of a one on one championship match. Despite having an opportunity at Clash of Champions and being pinned they still felt they deserved a one on one match for the SDLive tag team championships. Many opposed to that idea including me, the WWE Universe, Rusev Day and New Day.
Each team came out to make their case. Daniel Bryan decided that each team had a point. So a triple threat match was made for the number one contender slot. It was the first match of the night. Don't worry matches are coming. I want to put them all in one spot so for those who don't like my heavy commentary and are only interested in matches it'll be in a specific spot just for you.
Moving On...
The Commissioner Shane McMahon addresses Daniel Bryan's comments from last week. He told Daniel that despite his personal feelings of Mr. McMahon he still deserved respect. Daniel agreed but made it clear that despite McMahon's accomplishments he still used his power to dominate and nearly destroy many wrestlers careers including his own. Then the conversation moved to the US Championship tournament. And I can I see I wasn't the only one puzzled by Bryan's decision to have a tournament for the vacant title. But I didn't agree with Shane McMahon's answer to the problem either. I think both of them had great ideas they just needed to marry them together. Have the tournament to decide the opponent of Baron Corbin. Baron gets a fair shot at the title and anyone can have a chance to be champion. It's a win-win.
Then the Commissioner addressed the issue of constantly rewarding Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens despite thumbing their noses at the respective authority including Daniel Bryan. He asked Daniel what his intentions were. He also explained that perception is reality and people are accusing Daniel of favoritism toward KO and his dancing cheerleader S. Zayn. Well, Daniel came with a plausible rebuttal. The reason Kevin Owens was put in the final match of the night was due to his history with the current champ. He wanted SDLive to end on a Banger and he figured Kevin Owens would be the prime candidate.
Just to play devils, advocate, here. Earlier in the year of 2017, Daniel Bryan was Shane McMahon. The only difference is it didn't get as personal with D. Bry as it did with Shane. Confused? I'll elaborate. The Miz is one of the biggest annoyances in the WWE (don't get me wrong I've come to love the Miz and his character. He's needed no matter how much I detest the persona. you do notice when he's not there and that says a lot). The Miz blew his top on many occasions making fun of Daniel Bryan and the reasoning behind him being shelved and having to settle for a GM position in the WWE. On many occasions, Daniel Bryan stepped in and used his power to oppress the Miz (according to the Miz). So what is the difference between Daniel and Shane? I'll tell you. Daniel can't be attacked and his parents aren't on the docket to be head-butted and a beaten on national tv. Shane has been targeted because Kevin Owens is a big ass baby and can't admit that someone beat him. So he took it out on the next person in the ring which was Shane McMahon. He came out week after week antagonizing Shane until it got the best of him. Then he decided to sue and it escalated from there. Daniel can't escalate the situation but I'm sure if he could he would with no hesitation. Now do I think Shane needs to back off? Absolutely he's playing right into their hands constantly involving himself. Let things play out. KO and dancing cheerleader will eventually play themselves.
Well, we'll see how this plays out but it doesn't look good. So let's move on...
Rusev Day vs New Day vs Gable & Benjamin
Winner: Benjamin & Gable
Breezango vs The Bludgeon Bros
Winner:? Match Ended in a No Contest
For some odd reason, this has become a storyline worthy of tv airtime. Ugh...the match ended in a no contest. But when the BB decided to push forward with their destruction (the "best friends" of Breeze and Fandango) The Ascension stepped in to help out their fallen brethren. Only to put them in harm's way again. Due to the beating they received Breezango was unable to speak for themselves but The Ascension decided they needed to challenge BB once again.
Well isn't this interesting. I see what The Ascension is doing. For months their efforts to be apart of Breezango's little skit the Fashion Files has been rebuffed. And if this isn't a ploy to soften Breezango up and make them pay for their transgressions then I'm completely lost and don't know what to say about this.
Women's Division: Naomi vs Ruby Riott
Winner: Ruby Riott
As I have said before I don't care for this Riott Squad bullshit. Only one can win the Rumble, not a faction. The Riott Squad's strongest member is Ruby Riott. She's their biggest star and strongest competitor. Yet in this match she used her minions, Liv Morgan and Sara Logan, to pick up the win over the former women's champion. Despite winning the match the group still felt they needed to take Naomi outta commission. Well, that didn't work because the Queen Charlotte Flair came out to aid the dimming Glow Queen. But her efforts were foiled as well until...Natalya and the rest of SDLive women's roster came out. Not to aid Charlotte and Naomi but to put the Riott Squad on notice.
First Round of United States Championship Tournament: Bobby Roode vs Baron Corbin
Winner: Bobby Roode
Then the Commissioner addressed the issue of constantly rewarding Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens despite thumbing their noses at the respective authority including Daniel Bryan. He asked Daniel what his intentions were. He also explained that perception is reality and people are accusing Daniel of favoritism toward KO and his dancing cheerleader S. Zayn. Well, Daniel came with a plausible rebuttal. The reason Kevin Owens was put in the final match of the night was due to his history with the current champ. He wanted SDLive to end on a Banger and he figured Kevin Owens would be the prime candidate.
Just to play devils, advocate, here. Earlier in the year of 2017, Daniel Bryan was Shane McMahon. The only difference is it didn't get as personal with D. Bry as it did with Shane. Confused? I'll elaborate. The Miz is one of the biggest annoyances in the WWE (don't get me wrong I've come to love the Miz and his character. He's needed no matter how much I detest the persona. you do notice when he's not there and that says a lot). The Miz blew his top on many occasions making fun of Daniel Bryan and the reasoning behind him being shelved and having to settle for a GM position in the WWE. On many occasions, Daniel Bryan stepped in and used his power to oppress the Miz (according to the Miz). So what is the difference between Daniel and Shane? I'll tell you. Daniel can't be attacked and his parents aren't on the docket to be head-butted and a beaten on national tv. Shane has been targeted because Kevin Owens is a big ass baby and can't admit that someone beat him. So he took it out on the next person in the ring which was Shane McMahon. He came out week after week antagonizing Shane until it got the best of him. Then he decided to sue and it escalated from there. Daniel can't escalate the situation but I'm sure if he could he would with no hesitation. Now do I think Shane needs to back off? Absolutely he's playing right into their hands constantly involving himself. Let things play out. KO and dancing cheerleader will eventually play themselves.
Well, we'll see how this plays out but it doesn't look good. So let's move on...
I'm gonna try not to talk too much but I can't make ANY promises! Listen this is my only outlet for these kinds of convos except twitter and honestly I'd rather do this MY WAY ON MY TERMS IF YOU'RE NOT A FAN PLEASE EXIT LEFT...THANK YOU!Rusev Day vs New Day vs Gable & Benjamin
Winner: Benjamin & Gable
This match surprised me. Rusev and English work well together and the crowd absolutely loves them. Similar to how the crowd revered Slater & Rhyno aka Beauty & the Man Beast #IGotKids lol. Anyway, the crowd was really into them, more so Rusev than anything. But the match was good. 3 men in the ring at a time from each team and you had to tag your partner to get in the match.
I liked the flow of the match it was pretty much high octane throughout. Always something to look at or be in awe of. It was a great match to watch and each team contributed well and they had great chemistry with each other. I was surprised that the match went so well.
Smackdown's tag team matches are always great. They have good quality tag teams which makes the tag team division one of the best aspects of SmackDown Live.
Ultimately the victor went to Gable and Benajmin. A tag team I don't really care for. I know they paired Benjamin up with Gable for particular reasons but as I have said before both these men could have been viable contenders for the United States Championship. But they are a tag team so we have to live with it. They are scheduled to compete for the SDLive Tag Team titles on this week's SmackDown Live if they don't win the titles this Tuesday, expect another match to be made at the Royal Rumble for the titles. However, I think the Usos will lose the titles this week via cheating. Either way there will be a championship match at the Royal Rumble.
Breezango vs The Bludgeon Bros
Winner:? Match Ended in a No Contest
For some odd reason, this has become a storyline worthy of tv airtime. Ugh...the match ended in a no contest. But when the BB decided to push forward with their destruction (the "best friends" of Breeze and Fandango) The Ascension stepped in to help out their fallen brethren. Only to put them in harm's way again. Due to the beating they received Breezango was unable to speak for themselves but The Ascension decided they needed to challenge BB once again.
Women's Division: Naomi vs Ruby Riott
Winner: Ruby Riott
First Round of United States Championship Tournament: Bobby Roode vs Baron Corbin
Winner: Bobby Roode
I'm gonna be honest Baron Corbin worked Bobby Roode over in this match. He slowed this match down, forced it at his pace. Corbin looked good in this match. But as always the tide changes and this time it was in Roode's favor. Bobby Roode was able to pick up the win on a roll up. He didn't look great and he made major blunders but he was able to capitalize on the moment. Bobby Roode advances in the US Championship Tournament. I'll break down the bracket and my predictions in a moment.
First Round of United States Championship Tournament: Jinder Mahal vs Ty Dillinger
Winner: Jinder Mahal
Finally got a win outta Mahal that didn't include the two Gloettes on the outside. He finally proved he could win on his own. All it took was to lose the WWE Championship. Funny how life works? SMDH anyway. Ugh, this is gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth but I am fair when assessing what is presented to me. Jinder Mahal put on a good match with Ty Dillinger. I like Ty. I think he's really great in the ring. The Perfect 10 came up a little short in this match with Jinder. Jinder Mahal has vastly improved on his in-ring skills. Don't get me wrong I like Jinder in terms of his style, confidence and he's not a bad looking guy. But his ascension to the top was a bit sketchy for me. And he used a schtick that was old and tired to maintain his title reign. I want variety but nothing cookie cutter. Give me something worthy of watching.
Main Event: Kevin Owens vs Aj Styles
Uh...honestly I don't know what to say about this match. For the most part, the match was good. Aj and Kevin always put on great matches and together they are pay per view gold, money in the bank if you will. Ha! You like how I just did that lmao I'm so corny. SMDH anyway they really do work well with each other. But the ending well the ending was typical and such a letdown. The show itself could've been better if it ended with a clear winner and no interference.
Shane McMahon's constant interference is not working. As I said before let them be their own downfall!
In Other News
Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura announce their entry into the 2018 Royal Rumble.UNITED STATES TOURNAMENT BRACKET

The tournament is shaping up. The tournament will consist of 4 matches, then 2, then 1 at the Royal Rumble for the United States Championship.
Round 1 Winners and Predictions:
Booby Roode vs Baron Corbin
Winner: Bobby Roode
Jinder Mahal vs Tye Dillinger
Winner: Jinder Mahal
Xavier Woods vs Aiden English
Prediction: Xavier Woods
Zack Ryder vs Mojo Rawley
Prediction: Mojo Rawley
Xavier Woods has been doing the most as of lately. Using his social media platform to campaign for the title. Which won't do anything besides get under Aiden Englishes Skin. Lmao its funny as hell though and will make for an interesting match tonight. Check out his campaign video from his Facebook page:
Mojo Rawley recently turned on Zack Ryder it was a few weeks ago and never addressed again. Now that the tournament has come up its about to fruition. However the WWE took a golden moment missed it. You had an opportunity to have a genuine rivalry that would've looked great had it been played out right. Instead you left it where it started and constantly shoved dancing Sami & KO vs Shane McMahon down our throats. This seemed like a viable rivalry between Ryder and Rawley. And I liked the fact that Mojo has now turned heel. We shall see how well he does.
Show Overall
Describe the final Smackdown Live of 2017 in one word...Typical, Boring, Repetitive? Ok, so I needed to get that out because honestly, one word doesn't give me the broad spectrum of what the show is really giving. So I chose 3 instead of one.Smackdown Live is stuck in a rut. They tried to shake up the show a little bit with Jinder and this whole Kevin Owens vs Shane McMahon BS. But they did nothing more the give a man a title run as a heel with a predictable game plan: Cheat to win, Cheat to maintain. But I'll elaborate later on Jinder. Then they added Kevin and tagged Sami along but its dragging. I don't like this. It makes Sami look like a dancing buffoon (And KO's lackey. I know what your thinking well Chris Jericho was that way too. but despite Chris Jericho assuming the role of the best friend he wasn't a lackey. he made it his own and was able to create a character bigger than KO despite being beside him. Sami is not doing that). While Kevin gets to look like the wisecracking, cunning, whiny, bitching villain.
And to add insult to injury they drag in this whole other dynamic of having this underlying issue between Daniel and Shane but honestly, it's brought nothing but more confusion and questions than anything. Whose the heel in this situation? Whose right? Whose wrong? Why is this happening? Why can't this easily be resolved? Many questions and no answers. Going into the new year this storyline does not look promising.
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